Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Something About Love (Sempena hari ibu)

Throughout these lately days, i'am cloud with the word 'LOVE'. Unlimited love, I love you and all that. Okey.. i am saying this because i dont have any port to loud my words, so, anything here is just a piece of my experience and opinion, throughout life of 32 years that Allah gives me
( Thanks Allah).
Once we say about love, it's not something that can be played with. It's all about heart, about you, about him/her, and its all about life. Life cant be anymore interesting if we dont have any passion to love or to be loved.

Anyway, love comes with the heart, it beats all the time. Love also can makes people act differently. That's why ada kata-kata pantun melayu:

" Nasi lemak buah bidara
Sayang selasih hamba lurutkan
Hilang emak hilang saudara
Kerana kasih hamba turutkan "

Love is always shown in different ways also. Love from a husband, he will let u do whatever you want, just be anything, just be you. He doesnt have time to give you a bouquet of flowers, doesnt have time to spend every minutes with you, doesnt have time to think about any emotion on you. But he knows better you, will encourage you with his silent, will see you in his eyes with passion, will give you strength with his hugs, will give everything you need even though he is not with you. ( Thats why dont demand too much).

Love from a mother, cant see any hurts falls into your life, cant see any difficulties on you, cant feel any hurts anymore because of you because she had suffered much from the BEGINNING of you... till the END of you. She had suffered much, and no one can beat the mother's love unless u feel like a mother and act like a mother, then only you know. i can see the broken heart of my mother when my sister passed away early 2009, and from that point of time, i feel so bad, because in every single step i made sometimes i ignore her feelings, till the end of my death later, i know the one who suffered much is HER. Anything, if i can do, even it really hurts me, even it makes me turn down, anything, i will do as long as the soul within me, to make her very happy, no more worries about me, no more tears because of me, all i want is she feel grateful, having a daughter like me.

Love from a father, he had no longer words for you, because everything had been given. He had given you feel like your own, having your own decision, guiding you everything from the born of you, seeing differently and positively in every difficulties, considering all matters before making any decision, and he will blame himself for the wrong decision of you, without you knowing, as long as you learn from it, he will teach you follow the guidance of Allah closely, and when you really becomes a women/men, he will see you from far, if you fall, just call him for the guidance, he will let you know the truth path, if you want to follow, otherwise, he will let you go with yourself, because no strength without falling, no mature without failing, no you without giving you chance to flying.

People say, love comes at first sight, love comes with friendship and knowing each other, love comes in many ways. As for me love Allah is the most important thing, because when we love him, we will follow the guide, do whatever you want on earth but please follow MY rules. By the end of the day, you will be buried also as others, the one you carried along not the love but

1) Ilmu yang diamalkan
2) Anak yang soleh dan mendoakan
3) Harta yang disedekahkan

Heart, emotion and rational minds can be conflict. It will sometimes crossed, surely we'll not happy when it happens. But in real life, He gave us thought to make us different from any creature. Human kind strength is when he can controls the emotion and lets the thought make the decision. Always, the decision with strong minds, are always painful, but thats the way to see your life getting better.

In anything you do, just remind, the blessed of your life comes always with the blessed of your mother. Sometimes we feel hard to go forward, hard in rezki, hard in life, just check whether you had 'something' with your mother. Because life cannot be turned back, be careful with every steps because she is also living with the soul within, given by ALLAH.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Rindu pada Awisy

Teringat awisy pakai baju spiderman ngan topeng dia, sangat comey. Cuma ibu tak sempat melayan.
Teringat awisy sembang citer katun, ibu ada jugak melayan kadang-kadang
Teringat jalan-jalan ngan awisy kalau pegi mana-mana mesti kena beli mainan punya atau main lompat-lompat
Teringat muka awisy yang merajuk kalo tak dapat mainan
Teringat awisy nangis sebab degil tak mo mandi
Teringat awisy suruh garu-garu belakang sebab nak tido

Sian ibu.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I think I got Problem

Aku ada masalah kesihatan ni. Rahim sudah jatuh. Selalu nak buang air. Tension jugak rasanya sebab baru keluar rumah x sampai 30 minute nak rasa buang air. Yang tak boleh ditahan-tahan pulak tu. Terasa siksa pulak. Penghapus dosa ni..mmm..Sekejap je keluar bilik air, tak sampai 10 minute, nak buang air lagi. Bayangkan aku haritu x jumpa bilik air, laluan jem dan dekat hiway. Biru rasa menahan. Akhirnya.....(dot dot)

I am really surprise with my condition. Really.
Takut jugak kalo jadi bercambah ke benda lain. Mintak dijauhkan.

Kelas di center spt biasa. Cuma aku jer yang rasa terhilang fokus sikit sbb x boleh handle masalah ni. Uncontrollable.

Ya Allah Tuhan Pemudah Segala Urusan, Bantulah aku permudahkan masalah ini. Tolonglah.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Birthdate Day

Wow, i am getting younger day by day. kakakaa.. dengki la tu..

Hari ini orang first yang wish adalah abg. mmg dia ingat aku tau saje je aku ingatkan dia tadi. Tapi aku tak pepasal je kena sound " aparaaa tak bole orang nak buat surprise langsung". Aku pulak, tak suka ternanti-nanti. Penantian itu satu penyiksaannnnnnn...tak ke gitu

Jadi abg sudah maleh nak melayan aku. Dia ajak aku supper gi makan sup ekor aku rasa membazir pulak. Sian abang..trying to make any difference but terbantut. aku la yang punya pasal. Tak benarkan orang do something yang appreciable langsung.

By the end of the day, my birthdate will always gone with the wind without anything.

But as for me, it's not the matter whether you celebrate or not, the most important is :

Over the last 31 years, macamana you valued your day. Is that one special day only, or each day that you are allowed to live??

So, answer inside you. you decide

Monday, November 9, 2009


Hidup terasa sangat lemah, sbb awisy balik kampung lagi!!
Adei..atuk rasa boring takde awisy jadi ibu pun terpaksa bagi walaupun ibu pun boring jugak kalo awisy takde.
Maknanya apa?

Ibu kena beranak sorang lagi ...adei..
Bab-bab beranak ni aku ada cam lemah sikit sebab rasa cam ngeri jek

Cemane ek? by the way, my new car will be coming soon, Honda Hybrid.
You all suka ke tak suka ke itu belakang kira sebab yang penting aku suka.hahaha
Jangan dengki yaa adik beradik!! nanti kitorang bawak gi rumah masing-masing.
Yang duduk di oversea (terutamanya Ireland : aku ada sorang je adik kat situ), harap-harap boleh cepat pulang ya jija.

"Tak dapat naik, pegang tayar pun jadiklahhhh.."

Friday, November 6, 2009

Perjalanan hari ini

Sangat penat! dadn yang lebih memenatkan adalah bila terpaksa menahan perut yang semakin membuncit! (bukan pregnant aaaa :p). Aku makan byk late night so mmg giler naik perut aku. Anyway, mmg really bizi today sampai tak sempat nak buat personal work. Anyway, merancang kumpulan pun tak sempat.

So, aku kena amek masa sikit untuk merancang.

Plan your life NOT live without plan

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bila dugaan menimpa

The best thing about me right now is that i am thinking only ALLAH can help me.

I am praying everyday and hoping so much. Because no one can help only HIM.
So kuatkan diri, tabahkan hati
Awan mendung dan hujan akan berlalu jua
Setiap yang bermula akan berakhir
Setiap yang di bawah pasti akan naik
Setiap yang jatuh pasti boleh bangkit kembali

Yang penting semakin hari semakin mengenal diri, mengenal erti hidup dan mengenal erti "nilai"

I am not a child anymore, nor a teenage nor a playingful ladies.
I am a women, full of strength, getting worst but still can give so much cheers and smiles to others.